Faith In Action

Posted by Alia Abdul Rashid on Monday, May 02, 2011 in

How are you guys doing?

What about your studies?

Do you feel down because you think it is too much of studying?

Have a break, read the quotes below, and keep your spirit high and...GO!

Faith is respectful. It respects our Creator and the unique purposes He has asked us to fulfill. Faith gives us the belief that we can succeed and the humility to accept success with sincere gratitude.

~ Steve Brunkhorst

Faith is action-oriented. It sees what can be accomplished and encourages us to act on inspired ideas. Faith gets us started -- even if the first actions are small. We affirm that we "can" rather than "can't" and "will" rather than "won't". As a result, we "do".

So, you, you and you, come on! Get up :) , may Allah make ease for us

It is the effort what counts :)


Jom jerit ramai2. "We can do it!!InsyaAllah."

"We can do it!!InsyaAllah" ^_^ tp tanak pisang menari tau, seram..hehehehhehe

kamon kamon!!!

*pisang takutkan kak alia* weee hoooo~

yosh berusaha!!!

pisang oo pisang, goreng pun sodap, lalalala


kamon!!!! yosh!!

Last time rasanya takde gambar bunga tu. Ke saya yg xperasan?

Comel kot pisang menari tu. Seram plak dia..;p

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